free virtual challenge

Bully to Bestie Bootcamp

Skyrocket Your Self-Confidence in Five Days

Self-confidence isn't a genetic lottery ticket.

It's a skill you can learn (and master) when you change how you talk to you. The Bootcamp will show you how.

After five days in the Bootcamp you will have:

  • A proven playbook for cultivating self-confidence so you can speak up and show up in every room and relationship without doubt stopping you.
  • Easy exercises to shift your self-talk and start strengthening your self-confidence muscle.
  • The confidence and courage to start setting and going after your goals (and cheering yourself on as you do).
  • Less doubt, insecurity and anxiety holding you back.

It's all happening in your inbox from April 1 to April 5.

Save your virtual seat by signing up below!

Save Your Seat!

Don't let doubt steal another season of your life. Sign up for the Bully to Bestie Bootcamp today!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Here's how the Bootcamp works:

    Starting April 1, you will receive five days of emails from me with your “Truth or Dare of the Day” to build up your bank of bestie beliefs.

    Once the emails are in your inbox, this is all you need to do:

    • Do the exploration exercises offered
    • Watch your self-confidence soar
    • Join your fellow Bootcamp Besties on Zoom at 12:00 pm CT on Friday, April 5 to share your wins from the week and hear how to keep momentum going.

    Sound simple? It is! Sound awesome? YOU KNOW IT. So, share the love...

    Send this link to your real life bestie and do the Bootcamp together, the more the merrier!

    Got more questions?

    I have all your answers. Email me at [email protected] and let me know what's stopping you!

    Can't wait to see in you the Bootcamp!


    Your Self-Confidence Coach